The Hurt half marathon
Quads now recovered from the race in the Surrey Hills, I still can't stop thinking (and laughing) about how I managed to get lost on a marked route (in the second lap!) 🙂
Wandering off the course during a half means that you quickly realise something has gone wrong, the downside is that it's very easy to loose position in such a
short race. (6 in my case)
What I learnt from this event:
1. have a rest day before race day..nope, not even a cheeky 10k allowed
2. just because a runner looks the part doesn't mean I should follow him blindly 😀 (and hereby I'm sending my apologies to the other runner who followed me.. we did have fun doing extra 2 hills though didn't we?)
3. turn back sooner and don't carry on hoping a sign would turn up if I have a strong feeling I'm lost
4. a bit more hill/ steps training won't hurt (because those steep ascents during the race did) so train more in the Surrey hills!
5. finishing a tough race is a good experience and a great mental prep for other races and endurance events
I would love to hear about how others deal with getting lost during the race
and how to push on, please get in touch & share your story!
I wish you all a summer full of adventures, smiles and happy moments!